NZ Stockcar Grand Prix + Burger King Pro-Dirt Series
Woodford Glen Speedway

Stockcars - The Pits TV Champs Group B v Group C

Event R16       12 Laps  
Page 1           Issue 1
Start Sat Jan 18   22:08
Elapsed Time        4:24
Pos Car  Driver                   Competitor/Team                Vehicle              Cap   CL Laps     Race.Time Fastest...Lap

1   53C  Chris Wildey             Chris Wildey                                                   12     4:24.0826  12 0:20.6959 
2   317  Jay Holtham              Jay Holtham                                                    12     4:25.0725  11 0:20.7213 
3   82P  Royden Winstanley        Royden Winstanley                                              12     4:26.2076  10 0:20.4951*
4    4G  Ben Holt                 Ben Holt                                                       12     4:26.6204  12 0:20.7098 
5   73D  Nathan Taylor            Nathan Taylor                                                  12     4:27.5474  12 0:20.9650 
6   959  Caleb Hayes              Caleb Hayes                                                    12     4:34.8283  11 0:21.0337 
7   84R  Greg Viles               Greg Viles                                                     12     4:38.6704  11 0:21.1464 
8   687  Hadleigh Smith           Hadleigh Smith                                                 12     4:39.1591  11 0:20.9029 
9   62C  John Gray                John Gray                                                      12     4:43.1176  11 0:21.6194 
10   8H  Larry Henderson          Larry Henderson                                                11     4:28.1606   9 0:21.5350 
11  417  Kurt Browning            Kurt Browning                                                  11     4:29.6738   9 0:21.4638 
12  861  Jacob Boulton            Jacob Boulton                                                  11     4:40.3714   6 0:21.4091 
13  828  Brent Brooks             Brent Brooks                                                   10     4:35.4662   3 0:22.6716 
14  33D  Harry Greer              Harry Greer                                                     9     4:33.5387   5 0:27.3229 
DNF 12C  Daniel Hardy             Daniel Hardy                                                    5     2:11.9317   4 0:22.9396 

Fastest Lap Av.Speed Is 76kph, Race Av.Speed Is 70kph
R=under lap record by greatest margin, r=under lap record, *=fastest lap time
Issue# 1 - Printed Sat Jan 18 22:14:07 2020     Timing System By NATSOFT (03)63431311 & Dorian DATA-1
                                                                    Posted:                               Referee: Graham Cairns

NATSOFT Race Result

NZ Stockcar Grand Prix + Burger King Pro-Dirt Series
Woodford Glen Speedway

Stockcars - The Pits TV Champs Group B v Group C


Event R16       12 Laps  
Page 1           Issue 1
Start Sat Jan 18   22:08
Elapsed Time        4:24
                                    1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9        10 

GP RIVER NZ Stockcar Grand Prix - Riverlands Holiday Park Group      

53C Chris Wildey            0:26.7888 0:22.7202 0:22.1479 0:21.7943 0:21.6363 0:21.7479 0:21.6210 0:21.2755 0:21.1891 0:21.3597 
                         10 0:21.1060 0:20.6959 

GP PITS  NZ Stockcar Grand Prix - The Pits TV Group                  

317 Jay Holtham             0:28.0388 0:23.5623 0:22.6697 0:22.1936 0:21.6607 0:20.9977 0:21.2895 0:20.8624 0:20.9063 0:21.0574 
                         10 0:20.7213 0:21.1128 
82P Royden Winstanley       0:30.2361 0:22.6457 0:21.9586 0:21.6230 0:21.8264 0:21.1810 0:21.2227 0:21.8176 0:21.4089 0:20.4951 
                         10 0:20.9761 0:20.8164 

GP RIVER NZ Stockcar Grand Prix - Riverlands Holiday Park Group      

 4G Ben Holt                0:31.3717 0:22.9811 0:21.9603 0:21.3676 0:21.4800 0:21.5037 0:21.4133 0:20.9722 0:20.9689 0:20.9069 
                         10 0:20.9849 0:20.7098 

GP PITS  NZ Stockcar Grand Prix - The Pits TV Group                  

73D Nathan Taylor           0:30.5020 0:23.2642 0:22.1637 0:21.3895 0:21.4391 0:21.7553 0:21.5178 0:21.3346 0:21.1197 0:21.0114 
                         10 0:21.0851 0:20.9650 
959 Caleb Hayes             0:34.3956 0:23.0648 0:22.7548 0:23.4272 0:21.8118 0:21.5341 0:21.1383 0:21.2439 0:21.2183 0:21.6411 
                         10 0:21.0337 0:21.5647 

GP RIVER NZ Stockcar Grand Prix - Riverlands Holiday Park Group      

84R Greg Viles              0:28.2060 0:27.8057 0:24.9232 0:23.7908 0:23.0894 0:21.8813 0:21.7495 0:21.6078 0:21.6156 0:21.3741 
                         10 0:21.1464 0:21.4806 

GP PITS  NZ Stockcar Grand Prix - The Pits TV Group                  

687 Hadleigh Smith          0:29.6053 0:32.8088 0:22.1478 0:22.4111 0:22.2271 0:21.8240 0:21.6665 0:21.5076 0:21.4356 0:21.2900 
                         10 0:20.9029 0:21.3324 
62C John Gray               0:30.8205 0:24.2101 0:25.4001 0:23.5293 0:23.5264 0:22.3172 0:22.4158 0:21.9853 0:23.0634 0:22.3504 
                         10 0:21.6194 0:21.8797 

GP RIVER NZ Stockcar Grand Prix - Riverlands Holiday Park Group      

 8H Larry Henderson         0:29.9660 0:24.0831 0:26.6036 0:23.4618 0:33.4076 0:22.3903 0:21.5948 0:21.7755 0:21.5350 0:21.6106 
                         10 0:21.7323 
417 Kurt Browning           0:31.8420 0:23.9638 0:26.4826 0:22.6802 0:30.4108 0:22.9490 0:21.9575 0:22.1472 0:21.4638 0:22.3619 
                         10 0:23.4150 

GP PITS  NZ Stockcar Grand Prix - The Pits TV Group                  

861 Jacob Boulton           0:27.3814 0:26.4614 0:30.2644 0:23.7902 0:22.1675 0:21.4091 0:27.6108 0:21.8889 0:21.6210 0:29.1054 
                         10 0:28.6713 

GP RIVER NZ Stockcar Grand Prix - Riverlands Holiday Park Group      

828 Brent Brooks            0:30.3452 0:25.1092 0:22.6716 0:25.7257 0:24.5185 0:24.7467 0:24.1032 0:30.4773 0:34.5006 0:33.2682 
33D Harry Greer             0:47.3433 0:29.3831 0:28.5007 0:27.4850 0:27.3229 0:27.3927 0:30.2797 0:28.3232 0:27.5081 
12C Daniel Hardy            0:33.6167 0:25.0146 0:23.6572 0:22.9396 0:26.7036 

underline=fastest lap time
Issue# 1 - Printed Sat Jan 18 22:14:07 2020     Timing System By NATSOFT (03)63431311 & Dorian DATA-1
                                                                    Posted:                               Referee: Graham Cairns

NATSOFT Race Result

NZ Stockcar Grand Prix + Burger King Pro-Dirt Series
Woodford Glen Speedway

Stockcars - The Pits TV Champs Group B v Group C


Event R16       12 Laps  
Page 1           Issue 1
Start Sat Jan 18   22:08
Elapsed Time        4:24
      1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12 

1   53C 53C 53C 53C 53C 53C 53C 53C 53C 53C 53C 53C 
2   861 317 317 82P 317 317 317 317 317 317 317 317 
3   317 82P 82P 317 82P 82P 82P 82P 82P 82P 82P 82P 
4   84R 73D 73D 73D 73D 73D 73D  4G  4G  4G  4G  4G 
5   687 861  4G  4G  4G  4G  4G 73D 73D 73D 73D 73D 
6    8H  8H 828 959 959 959 959 959 959 959 959 959 
7   82P  4G 959 828 62C 84R 84R 84R 84R 84R 84R 84R 
8   828 62C 62C 62C 84R 62C 62C 687 687 687 687 687 
9   73D 828  8H  8H 828 687 687 62C 62C 62C 62C 62C 
10  62C 417 84R 84R 687 861 828 861 861 417  8H     
11   4G 84R 417 417 861 828 861 417 417  8H 417     
12  417 959 12C 12C 12C 417 417  8H  8H 861 861     
13  12C 12C 861 687 417  8H  8H 828 828 828         
14  959 687 687 861  8H 33D 33D 33D 33D             
15  33D 33D 33D 33D 33D                             
Issue# 1 - Printed Sat Jan 18 22:14:07 2020     Timing System By NATSOFT (03)63431311 & Dorian DATA-1
                                                                    Posted:                               Referee: Graham Cairns